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Notes From our Fans...

Being a lover of the outdoors and a redhead means I have to be very vigilant to avoid sunburn. Last year I became aware of the damage most sunscreen brands were doing to our environment and vowed to move away from the commercial 100+ SPF sunscreens I'd come to rely on. Scanning the information and recommendations on your brand caught my attention. I live in California now but grew up in Massachusetts and vacationed on Block Island as a child. Based on the EWG reviews and information on your website, I decided to purchase your Mineral 30 SPF sunscreen and face lotion. I am so happy I did - it works great! Thank you so much for your wonderful, safe and very effective product.
-Kelley A., Block Island Organics Customer

Block Island Organics Mineral Sunscreen in SPF 30 is my favorite daily moisturizer because the SPF in it protects from UVA and UVB damage that can occur year-round. Since its really lightweight and all-natural, I feel like it allows my skin to breathe, unlike some greasier lotions.
-Kim D’Amato, Founder of PritiNYC,

Mineral-based sun protection products are becoming increasingly popular, and Block Island Organics offers both UVA and UVB protection in SPF 30+. Both are ultra light and water-resistant.

-Wendy Lewis, President of Wendy Lewis & Co Ltd, Global Aesthetics Consultancy, author of 11 beauty books and the Founder and Editor of

Come Spring and Summer I am always outside. Whether it’s teaching a yoga class outside or going for a jog I believe in wearing sunscreen. I choose BIO for my sunscreen because I want a safe mineral based formula that is easy to apply, lightweight, and most importantly, effective.

-Lauren Jacobs, Yoga Instructor, Washington DC,

Sailing has been in my life for 20+ years. I have sailed competitively, run sailing schools, and just generally spent my life in, on, or around boats. I always wear sunscreen. With my recent pregnancy I became more aware of the dangerous ingredients in our cosmetics. So I searched for a mineral based sunscreen and a brand that really cared about the safety of their products. I found Block Island Organics and love it. I trust it and I love that it’s the lightest mineral based sunscreen I’ve ever wore. I highly recommend their products.

-Galen Ryley, Newport, RI and Cape Cod, Ma.

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