About The Island

“One of the Last 12 Great Places in the Western Hemisphere” ~The Nature Conservancy

Block Island Organics is built on the values and natural beauty that is Block Island, Rhode Island. Only 13 miles off the coast of Rhode Island, but feeling like a world away, Block Island is a welcome step back in time to a place where shorts and t-shirts are seen in the finest restaurants, phone numbers are exchanged with just four digits, and the homes are without street addresses.

At the heart of Block Island is a commitment to protecting the environment and a celebration of life spent enjoying the outdoors. In addition to being home to more than 40 rare or endangered species, over 40% of open space on the island is protected by an ardent community of conservationists. When not drumming up support for another environmental cause, Block Islanders spend their leisure time walking the 17 miles of beach or the 28 mile network of hiking trails called the Greenway Trails. Numerous other land and water activities including fishing, sailing, clamming, diving, biking, windsurfing, kayaking, yoga, pilates, surfing and just sitting on a porch or the beach pass the time as well. It is this commitment to environmentalism and this celebration of outdoors life that forms the values and core of Block Island Organics. We hope you come visit our island, unwind and get a little break from modern day stresses, and remember to wear sunscreen!

Brian MacQuarrie, The Boston Globe:

"Twelve miles off the Rhode Island coast lies a vacation destination often overlooked in the region’s tourism sweepstakes. But if Block Island lacks the stargazing appeal of the celebrity isles of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, the visitors who swarm off the ferries here from Memorial Day to Columbus Day appear blissfully unconcerned."

That may be due to the island’s alluring blend of so many elements that help a frazzled refugee from the working world exhale and relax. This pork chop-shaped island has gorgeous beaches, stunning ocean vistas, 32 miles of hiking trails, 250-foot-high coastal cliffs, a deep sense of history, and a lively night scene.”

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