Free shipping on all orders over $50  |  Play smart. Play safe. Non-toxic Suncare


Q. Do you ship internationally?

A. Please contact us first at [email protected] for international inquiries.

Q. What is your return policy?

A. Returns for a full refund are accepted within 30 days of purchase. Returned products must contain at least 75% of the original contents and must be received by Block Island Organics within 30 days of the purchase date. All shipping and handling fees are non-refundable. Please contact us regarding any returns with a note stating the reason of return at: [email protected].

Q. What happens if I order a product that is backordered?

A. Any backordered item will ship as soon as it arrives in our warehouse. If you place an order that contains both in-stock and backordered items we will ship you the in-stock item(s) first and then the backordered item(s) when we have them. There is no additional shipping cost for backordered items. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].

If an item is on backorder, this will be indicated in red on the product page of our website. If you do not see this, then the item is in stock.

Q. Do you wholesale?

A. Block Island Organics proudly wholesales at a variety of fine establishments across the country. We are always looking for new wholesalers and would love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected] or go to our wholesale page to learn more about our wholesale partnerships.

Q. What is the best way to store your products?

A. All of our products should be stored in a temperate dry location and out of direct sunlight. Storing in an excessively humid location or exposure to intense heat will potentially result in the breakdown of the product. Places to not leave our products inside a stifling hot car, near a window and when at the beach just try and store your sunscreen in the shade.

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