Hugh Jackman mega-watt star, action hero, and talented singer is also a big believer in getting regular skin check-ups. He wants you to do it too. What an all-around person! Hugh knows and wants you to know how important early skin cancer detection is. That’s why he released a great PSA on his social account recently. He wasn’t paid by anyone, he’s just doing it because he cares…
Hugh Jackman Gets Regular Skin Check-Ups
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends regular self-skin exams and annual exams by a dermatologist and Hugh Jackman believes in following these recommendations.
In fact, last week on Instagram Hugh Jackman showed the result of his annual skin exam with his doctor. As part of it he had a biopsy done on his ear to remove a precancerous growth. He posted a video discussing his visit which showed a bandage wrapped around his right ear here.
Here’s the sage advice from Jackman in his video:
“I recommend getting a skin check — regularly. I know I’ve said it before, I know I may be boring you with this, but it’s super easy to do and it’s really, really important to be preemptive with these things…If you’re like me and you didn’t really know any better when you were young and you didn’t wear sunscreen and you were in the Australian sun, then you need to get a check up even more. But if not — it doesn’t matter who you are — next time you are with your doctor or with a specialist, just say, ‘Can you please give me a skin check?’ At least once a year — just do it.”
Yes, in the words of Wolverine just do it!
Ears Susceptible to Skin Cancer
It’s not quite obvious, but it’s a really good thing Hugh got his ears checked. According to board-certified dermatologist Dr. Robert Finney :
“The ears are exposed to the sun quite a bit throughout life, so it is not uncommon to see pre-cancerous and cancerous growth in this area.”
A doctor should know to check the ears and if you’re doing your own skin exam – don’t forget about them. And if you have questions on how to perform regular self-skin exams check out our features:
Check Your Skin Regularly
Thankfully, Jackman’s ear should be ok after the biopsy and Dr. Finney just says his ear needs to be covered for a bit to “prevent a scab from forming’. And take it from Hugh, ask for a skin check at your next doctor visit because it’s really important.
For even more Skin Cancer tips and info check out our Skin Cancer series.