Now is the perfect time to get outside and into nature on Block Island. It really is a nature lover’s paradise. Even if many indoor events and activities are canceled this year, there’s still so much to do in the outdoors and we’ve got some ideas. Just be safe – practice social distancing, wear a mask, and apply that sunscreen.
Where to Start?
The Nature Conservancy and Block Island Conservancy are great starting points to find out how to explore the island. They offer a number of self-guided nature walks, trail maps and guides scavenger hunts and virtual tours for the whole family.
Nature Walks
Across the island there are Nature Conservancy kiosks at key trails: Rodman's Hollow, Clay Head, Nathan Mott Park, Mohegan Bluffs and Ocean View Pavilion.
These kiosks provide maps, guides, and information on walking tours. If you want to check it out in advance, this info can also be downloaded online by visiting:
Scavenger Hunts
The kiosks also provide information on scavenger hunts. The hunts change weekly and are wonderful activities for kids. They challenge you to find specific animals, plants, and other nature items.
Also, if you email your photos of your hunt to the Block Island Conservancy ([email protected]) – you could earn a prize.
As with the nature walks, info on the scavenger hunts can be downloaded ahead of time but at a slightly different URL:
Virtual Tours
Virtual tours that highlight Block Island’s natural beauty are available and co-sponsored by the Nature Conservancy and Block Island Conservancy. Mondays at 9AM Nature Conservancy naturalist Kim Gaffett hosts a zoom call to showcase the island’s unique ecosystems.
Here’s where you can find more on joining the virtual tours and access past ones as well:
Discovering Block Island
So come to Block Island to enjoy the great outdoors and be one with nature. Not convinced? Well the Nature Conservancy did call the island “one of the last 12 great places in the Western Hemisphere”. Just be safe and practice good health and sun care habits.
For even more travel tips for Block Island check out our Discovering Block Island series.