by kelly
/ June, 17 2020 01:30
Back in March 2020 we wrote about how the California assembly was reviewing a bill (Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, A.B. 2762) to ban 12 ingredients from skin care and personal products sold in California. Last week the bill was approved by the California assembly. What’s that mean for you? Read on…
Refresher On The Banned 12
The bill would ban 12 ingredients considered toxic by co-sponsors of the bill. The co-sponsors are three members of the California assembly (Al Muratsuchi, Bill Quirk, Buffy Wicks) the Environmental Working Group (EWG), Black Women for Wellness, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners and California Public Interest Research Group (CalPIRG).
The co-sponsors of the bill believe these 12 ingredients are linked to increased breast cancer risk, hormone disruption, and can compromise the immune system.
The 12 proposed ingredients to ban are:
- Dibutyl phthalate
- Diethylhexyl phthalate
- Formaldehyde
- Paraformaldehyde
- Methylene glycol
- Quaternium-15
- Mercury
- Isobutylparaben
- Isopropylparaben
- m-Phenylenediamine and its salts
- o-Phenylenediamine and its salts
- 13 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and their salts
For more information on why these assembly members and organizations consider these 12 ingredient toxic check out our post “California Proposes To Ban 12 Cosmetic Ingredients”.
Will These 12 Ingredients Be Removed From My Products?
Well, not yet. Even though the bill was passed by the California Assembly it still has to be approved by the state Senate and then be signed into law by the governor.
If the bill becomes law it would have major implications on personal care products sold not just in California but for the entire country. Why? Because most companies wouldn’t manufacture two different products – one for California and one for the rest of the country.
Of course it wouldn’t change anything for us at Block Island Organics because none of our product today or tomorrow include the 12 ingredients listed in this bill.
Skin Care News
So we’ll keep you posted on any updates related to the bill as it goes through the California state government.
For even more skin care and suncare news and research check out our Skin Care and Suncare Smarts blog series.