Back in 2019 the local government of Key West, Florida voted to ban the sale of sunscreens containing the chemical UV filters oxybenzone and octinoxate. The law would go into effect in January 2021, if signed by the governor. But now the Florida state legislature approved a bill to prevent local governments from regulating any over-the-counter drugs or cosmetics – which include sunscreens as sunscreens are considered over-the-counter drugs by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).
Florida Legislature Wants to Allow Sale of Chemical Sunscreens
Under the new bill – local governments would not be allowed to ban sunscreens for sale.
The Florida House approved the bill by 68-47. Here are what some of the legislators said on both sides regarding the bill.
Representative Ralph Massullo, a dermatologist, cited Florida’s skin cancer rates as a reason for needing all types of sunscreen options: “by banning sunscreen, we will be threatening lives.” He believes more studies are needed on the connection between chemical sunscreens and coral reefs.
Representative Javier Fernandez said: “the science on this matter [connection between chemical sunscreens and coral reef impact] is not junk science…What do we have to warrant such a heavy-handed preemption?”
Key West Mayor Teri Johnston said if lawmakers: “would have spent one weekend down in Key West, he could have seen the impact on our coral reef… It’s a really, really bad move and poorly thought out.”
Where Does the Ban on the Chemical Sunscreen Ban Go Next?
The next step for both the Key West local bill and the Florida state level bill is to go to the Governor’s office. What might happen? Well, last year Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis vetoed a bill by the state legislature that would have prevented local governments from banning plastic straws. He didn’t sign the bill because he cited the importance of local control.
That indicates maybe he’ll feel the same way about these bills but in reality, who knows yet what he’ll do in this instance. So check back as we’ll have any updates on these bills.
Mineral Sunscreen As An Alternative to Chemical Sunscreen
If you're concerned about chemical sunscreens look for a mineral sunscreen. Just make sure you’re buying a mineral only sunscreen. Many sunscreens marketed as mineral also contain chemical UV filters.
Always check the Active Ingredient section of the sunscreen label. If the sunscreen is truly a mineral only sunscreen than the only Active Ingredients you should see listed are zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide.
FYI, Block Island Organics sunscreens are mineral only .
To get all the latest news, info, and updates on all thing sunscreen check out our Sunscreen and Sunblock blog posts.