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What Age Does Our Skin Start Aging?

by kelly / May, 2 2018 01:30

Photo of attractive white woman in her late 20s or early 30s wearing a stylish wide brimmed hat

Yes, the sad truth is that our skin does age and it’s probably earlier than you think. Ok, maybe sad isn’t the right word. I mean, there is something to growing old gracefully and embracing your wrinkles. But at the same time it doesn’t hurt to know the signs aging, slow it down a bit and keep our skin healthy for a long time.

When Does Our Skin Age

I’ll cut right to it – our skin starts aging in our twenties. Yes, bummer, I know that’s pretty early. Around 25 is what some doctors say.

According to Dr Nagd Farag of Australia: “That’s the age the [you] start to lose collagen.”

Over time, our skin thins and becomes less elastic and more fragile. Natural oil production in our skin also decreases making our skin drier. Wrinkles, age spots and small growths called skin tags become more common as well.

While this last set of stuff doesn’t happen in our 20s - it generally starts over the next three decades of life – but in our 20s collagen lessens and the foundation for skin problems starts: UV exposure early in life leads to less healthy skin later in life. Fortunately there are things you can do help your skin stay healthy for as long as possible and dare we say it - fight the signs of aging.

How To Fight Skin Aging

The number one thing you can do for your skin is sunscreen! I know, I know, we’re a sunblock company but Dr. Farag blames the sun for all the signs of aging and urges people to use sunscreen regularly.

Also the sooner you start taking preventative steps the better – as the effects of sun damage are cumulative so the earlier you begin good sunscreen habits the better. Additionally your skin is a reflection of how you live your life. Dr. Farag suggests starting “early by looking after your health in general”.

Some suggestions from the Mayo Clinic and other doctors include:

  • Wearing sunscreen (yes again!)
  • Practicing good sun protection habits
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Drinking enough water
  • Managing your stress
  • Sleeping enough
  • Bathing in warm — not hot — water
  • Using mild soaps and moisturizers
  • Not smoking

Fortunately all of the above are generally doable and manageable. And the best part of this list is, as Dr. Farag says, they’ll help you “achieve [a] youthful appearance without needles.” No needles sounds good in my book!

More Anti-Aging Secrets

Since we can and since we know when it starts, why not fight to slow down the skin aging process.

The bonus, the tactics above to fight skin aging also keep skin healthy. So I’m not promising the fountain of youth with miracle creams and I don’t want to be 10 years younger. (I feel like I’m getting wiser with age - ha!). I just want everyone to think I look it Laughing and some basic practices can get us there.

For even more skin care anti-aging tips check out our Anti-Aging or Education blog series.

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