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Melanoma Monday – Spot Skin Cancer

by kelly / May, 1 2017 01:30

American Academy of Dermatology Spot Skin Cancer image - five-year survival rate for melanoma when detected and treated in its early stages is 98%

It’s May everyone! May marks the beginning of summer and is also skin cancer awareness month. It all kicks off on May 1, today, with Melanoma Monday – a day to promote awareness of the most serious form of skin cancer brought to us by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). Over the course of this month we’ll be providing tips, research and advice on spotting and preventing skin cancer.

The AAD’s 2017 Spot Skin Cancer (#spotskincancer) campaign theme is “Check Your Partner. Check Yourself”. This theme encourages folks to check both their partners and themselves for signs of skin cancer. In fact, the campaign strongly targets women because research has shown that women are nine times more likely than men to notice melanoma on others. You gotta give it to us women for being on top of this stuff!

When detected early, skin cancer - including melanoma – is highly treatable. According to the AAD the five-year survival rate for melanoma when detected and treated in its early stages is 98%. Check out this video created by the AAD about checking you and your partner out.

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