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Norwegian Study Shows Using SPF15+ Significantly Decreases Risk of Melanoma

by kelly / October, 26 2016 01:30

photo of the Fjords in Norway

Suncare is not just a U.S. issue; it’s a global concern. That’s why we love sharing studies from around the world. This week a great finding comes from our friends in Norway. They analyzed using higher SPF vs. lower SPF and the effects on melanoma risk.

Study Results – Use SPF15+

The Norwegian Department of Biostatistics at the University of Oslo recently found:

Using an SPF15 or higher compared with a lower SPF reduced the risk of melanoma by 33%. That’s a big difference!

The study used data collected from 170,000 women over 15 years by the Norwegian Women and Cancer. Blood samples and questionnaire information were collected from these women every 4-6 years.

Melanoma Risk – It’s High

Yes melanoma is a risk. For example, Norwegian melanoma incidences increased more than any other cancer in the last decade.

For the world at large, melanoma is dangerous. Even though melanoma represents less than 1% of skin cancer cases, it accounts for the vast majority of skin cancer deaths.

Melanoma Causes – The Sun

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation 86% of melanomas can be attributed to sun exposure. Additionally a person’s risk of melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than five sunburns. These are some sobering stats.

Conclusion – Sunscreen Matters

Even in Norway where the temps can be chillier year-round than anywhere in the U.S. – the study shows sunscreen is extremely important.

That’s why sun protection and wearing sunblock throughout the year (even during the colder winter months) is vital to preventing skin damage and premature skin aging. To put it in brutally honest terms - it could also be a matter of life or death.

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