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My Daily Sunscreen Beauty Routine

by kelly / July, 9 2014 01:30

Block Island Organics sunscreen as part of morning beauty routine

Hope you all had a fun 4th of July filled with picnics, barbeques, beach time and sunscreen! I spent my fourth on the beach with a group of friends. Surprisingly I had a fair number of my girlfriends ask how I use and apply my sunscreen everyday and how I use sunscreen with my make-up. So this week I thought I’d share my routine with you.

First what I immediately told my girlfriends is that SPF in make-up is not enough and you have to wear sunscreen everyday. I wrote about this topic a while back and you can check out the full post here. With that said, let's get started.

Step 1: Wash and Moisturize

When I wake up in the morning I usually wash my face with some cold to lukewarm water – depending on the time of year I vary the temperature of the water. Then I apply moisturizing lotion to my face.

Step 2: Face and Neck Protection

After that, I apply our SPF 15 sunscreen on my face and the Baby 30 on my neck, hands and forearms everyday, as these body parts are the most exposed to the sun. Sometimes I'll use one of our SPF 30 products on my face if I think I need it that day.

As for the exact procedure, I put small amounts on my fingertips, probably less than a dime size in total, and immediately apply it to my face. I do this first on the bottom half of my face and then again on the top half. For my neck I use around a dime size as well.

Step 3: Hand and Arm Protection

For my hands and arms I put 2-3 dabs also the size of a dime and rub it in immediately. In the summer, I’ll just apply our sunscreen and skip the lotion on the face, as my face tends to be greasier in the summer than in the winter.

Step 4: Makeup and Re-Application

My final step is to put on my powder foundation, blush and lip balm. I do use a powder foundation and a lip balm with SPF in them. I usually reapply my sunscreen and touch up my make-up later in the day if I’m going to be out in the sun again. However if I’m in the office all day with limited sun exposure, I might not reapply or touch up.

I'm pretty low maintenance so my beauty routine takes me about five minutes to complete. Hopefully the routine is helpful and will inspire you to wear sunscreen every day as well.

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