by kelly
/ July, 11 2018 01:30
Let me get right to it – there is a difference between SPF and UPF. Many people confuse the two and it’s probably much better for your skin if you don’t ☺. But no worries we’ve got you covered and can easily explain the difference.
by kelly
/ May, 30 2018 01:30
You gotta wear sunscreen. Your skin needs it to stay healthy and to prevent wrinkles, fine lines, age spots and skin cancer. Sunscreen is your best weapon bar none! But if you’re not applying it correctly, it won’t be as effective. Don’t worry we’re here for you with the how to apply basics to make your sunscreen work for you.
by kelly
/ May, 23 2018 01:30
We’re proud to announce the Environmental Working Group (EWG) once again named our products a Best Beach & Sport Sunscreen and a Best Moisturizer with SPF in the 2018 release of their annual Guide to Sunscreens. Quality sun protection is so important to us.
by kelly
/ May, 16 2018 01:30
Yes, that’s right, treat sunscreen like toothpaste - make it daily habit. That is great advice I heard from a doctor. Why? Because unfortunately skin cancer is on the rise, one of the best skin cancer preventions is sunscreen, and studies show treating sunblock like toothpaste makes you much more likely to use it daily.
by kelly
/ May, 9 2018 01:30
Hawaii became the first state to pass a bill banning the sale of chemical sunscreens that contribute to the destruction of coral reefs. It’s interesting timing considering May is Skin Cancer Awareness month. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you have to get sunburned in Hawaii. Look to mineral only sunscreens (like ours ☺) that don’t harm coral reefs and keep your skin safe in the sun.
by kelly
/ April, 11 2018 01:30
Coral reefs are facing the threat of extinction. Increasing water temperatures and UV exposure are really damaging our reefs. For instance, last year experts declared large sections of the Great Barrier Reef dead. While all this is a bit depressing, help is on the way. Scientists in Australia came up with a sunscreen – different from what you’re probably thinking – to protect our reefs.
by kelly
/ March, 28 2018 01:30
There are milestones in every baby’s life: crawling, walking, talking, and now you can add wearing sunscreen. The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) just updated their recommendation – parents should know children as young as 6 months must wear sunscreen.
by kelly
/ February, 21 2018 01:30
It’s a place where you can find free sunscreen everyday. Ok maybe it’s not a place you can actually get to, well at least not in this lifetime. Via its Hubble Space Telescope NASA recently discovered a planet outside our solar system where it “snows” sunscreen. The planet rains down titanium dioxide, which is one of two mineral sunscreen ingredients (the other mineral sunscreen ingredient is zinc oxide).
by kelly
/ January, 3 2018 01:30
Winter is in full effect and that bitter cold can be tough on the skin. Don’t let it get to you - avoid these four mistakes to keep your skin looking great. Plus, what better time to right any skin care wrongs than the New Year!
by kelly
/ November, 29 2017 01:30
Before you hit the road this holiday season make sure you pack the most important skin care essential – sunscreen. Why? Well if you’re traveling by plane, train or automobile you’re racking up the sun damage and wrinkle causing UV.