by Will
/ March, 26 2014 01:30
A bipartisan effort by Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Johnny Isakson (R-GA), and Congressmen John Dingell (D-MI) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY), the Sunscreen Innovation Act aims to streamline the approval process for new UV filters / sunblock active ingredients. It is a long time coming...
by kelly
/ March, 5 2014 01:30
I wish I knew about the importance of sunscreen back in my teens and the role the sun plays in aging and skin cancer. Sometimes I wish that I could go back in time and impart all the knowledge and information I have today on my younger self. Of course this dream would go beyond just imparting sunscreen knowledge! Nevertheless, the David Cornfield Melanoma Fund shot this awesome video featuring Melanoma survivors giving advice to their 16 year old selves.
by kelly
/ February, 19 2014 01:30
Getting teenagers to use sunscreen can be a daunting task. It's not something they (or even most people) come to daily. Plus things like tanning beds and that "healthy glow" are a part of many teen lives. Yet daily sunblock use beginning early in life is the best thing they can do for their skin. It protects against both premature skin aging and skin cancer. So what motivates teens to use sunscreen? A recent study thought to answer just that...
by kelly
/ February, 5 2014 01:30
Ok let me give you the answer right off the bat. Experts agree makeup with SPF is not enough to protect your skin. I made this mistake for so long, up until I started working on Block Island Organics actually. I used to believe my SPF 15 cream foundation was enough everyday protection against the sun.
by Will
/ January, 29 2014 01:30
I can't remember the number of times I've put on sunscreen only to realize I have a burn in some strange spot by the end of the day. After happening often enough I'm now pretty good at covering all the various places on my body. That said, here are the spots I (as well as the other folks a Block Island Organics) sometimes forget to cover.
by Will
/ January, 22 2014 01:30
So this week we have something fun to share. Specifically, Stewart Cink's crazy bald headed tan line. Twitter user Ben Taylor captured the image below. Take a look...
by kelly
/ December, 18 2013 01:30
With winter upon us many of us put the sunscreen in the medicine cabinet until spring. Well, I'm here to say sunscreen should be part of your skin repertoire winter, spring, summer and fall. Let's take a deeper look at winter.
by Will
/ December, 11 2013 01:30
Well known for his role as Wolverine, Hugh Jackman recently revealed he had a case of skin cancer. According to his Instagram account Jackamn's wife Deb urged him to have a mark on his nose checked out. Turns out it was basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer.
by Will
/ November, 20 2013 01:00
Research shows that sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer and now there's also proof that consistent regular use wards off skin aging. So you know all those anti-aging serums out there? Turns out what you really need is a bottle of good ole sunscreen.
by Will
/ November, 13 2013 01:00
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor so you'd think it measures how well a sunscreen protects you. However, that's only partially true. There are three kinds of ultraviolet rays that come from the sun: UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC rays don't reach the earth's surface so UVA and UVB are the one's you have to protect yourself from (for a deep discussion see our article "UVA, UVB and UVC Rays: What They Are and How Sunscreen Protects You").