by kelly
/ June, 11 2014 01:30
Summer is here and the Polar Vortex is gone! It’s been so nice to have sunshine and to be able to spend some weekends out and about, enjoying the weather. Of course I make sure to wear sunscreen every day and I might even put on a higher SPF in the summertime, as I tend to spend more time out in the sun than in the winters. I’m well covered on my face and body but one part I tend to neglect at times are my eyes. Yes your eyes need protection from the sun as well.
by Will
/ May, 28 2014 01:30
Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit consumer advocacy group, puts out a new sunscreen guide. This is the guide's 8th year and we are named one of the best sunscreens out there! What is the EWG guide? It contains hundreds of sunscreens / sunblocks the EWG examines and rates. They painstakingly look through sunscreens ingredient by ingredient to determine what works and what is safe. In their own words it "gives shoppers an easy-to-use, searchable online database to the safest, most effective sun protection products."
by kelly
/ May, 14 2014 01:30
It's the time of year again - the time of year when I come out of hibernation and have to actually groom my body again. It's summertime and that means swimsuit season. Ugh. I prefer turtle neck and wool pants seasons where I can keep my body hidden and unkempt. Ok was that too much information? No really I love the summer and sunshine, I do run a suncare company, I just dread swimsuit season and shopping for one.
by kelly
/ May, 7 2014 01:30
May is an important month for us here at Block Island Organics because it's Skin Cancer Awareness month. In honor of this month we wanted to offer a few tips we compiled from the Skin Cancer Foundation, the Center for Disease Control and the American Cancer Society to help prevent skin cancer.
by Will
/ April, 30 2014 01:30
In 2011 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) started a new sunscreen labeling process that went into full effect in 2013. One of the outcomes was allowing certain sunscreens to be labeled "Broad Spectrum." Let's just get this out there, always and I mean always use a broad spectrum sunscreen. If you're not using a broad spectrum sunscreen, you're not getting full sun protection. Ok, with that out of the way let's looks at what this means.
by Will
/ April, 15 2014 13:16
We have a one week sale going on at the moment! From now through April 20th, 2014 all our products are 20% off. No promo code is needed, the sale price is already reflected on the site. It's a great time to try out our sunscreens or sunburn relief products.
by Will
/ April, 9 2014 01:30
This past weekend I went on what is likely my final ski trip of the year. It's one of my favorite things to do and with the bright sunny skies I heavied up on the sunscreen. Even so, there is another skin issue I forgot to account for - windburn.
by kelly
/ April, 2 2014 01:30
I wish I started using sunscreen as a child. I didn't become a daily sunscreen user until my 30s and the effects of sun damage are cumulative. So parents, it's really important to start protecting your kids from the sun from day one. Yes - day one. Trust me, they will thank you later on in life when they have no fine lines, wrinkles or skin damage in their 40s!
by Will
/ March, 26 2014 01:30
A bipartisan effort by Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) and Johnny Isakson (R-GA), and Congressmen John Dingell (D-MI) and Ed Whitfield (R-KY), the Sunscreen Innovation Act aims to streamline the approval process for new UV filters / sunblock active ingredients. It is a long time coming...
by kelly
/ March, 19 2014 01:30
Even though I'm 35, sometimes I'm asked for ID when I go out. I pretend to be insulted but it kind of feels good when someone says it. Ha! I think I'm asked is because I've kept my skin in good shape over the years. Once in a while my friends even ask how I keep my skin looking young. It's probably a testament to my mom's nagging, okay, loving advice for 35 years! She taught me a few key things that I think help everyday.