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How To Build A Skin Care Routine

by kelly / November, 3 2021 01:30
Today we’re overwhelmed with images and videos of people promoting a parade of products and how tos – promising perfect and glowy skin across social media. It’s hard to not be overwhelmed by all this information and to know how many and which products to use. In our opinion it’s always best to go the real experts – the dermatologists. They study and understand skin, ingredients, and how your body and skin work together. So I listen to them to find out the true basics of a good skin care routine beyond all the marketing and social clutter. [More]

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Rachel Maddow Says Early Skin Cancer Detection Saved Her

by kelly / October, 27 2021 01:30
Early skin cancer detection can save lives. Rachel Maddow, MSNBC anchor, experienced that first hand. She recently revealed that she had skin cancer surgery on her neck. Thanks to detecting her skin cancer early she was able to prevent something worse from happening. She also took a moment on air, on her show, to address her skin cancer. Here’s what she had to say. [More]

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New Sunscreen Rules Proposed by the Food & Drug Administration

by kelly / October, 13 2021 01:30
If you have a high SPF chemical sunscreen in your cabinet you might need to replace it soon. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing new requirements that may affect if your chemical sunscreen is considered safe (all-mineral sunscreens like ours are considered safe), what the max SPF level is, and if it truly protects you against all UV rays like ours do. So what are these new updates and how do you buy the right sunscreen – well we’ve got you covered. [More]

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How Much Moisturizer is Right for Your Skin?

by kelly / September, 29 2021 01:30
Too much or too little moisturizer can be no bueno for your skin. So what is that perfect amount? It’s not always easy to figure out as moisturizers don’t come with instructions. But we’ve got you covered so you can find the right balance… [More]

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Why Dermatologists Are Critical In Our Lives

by kelly / September, 22 2021 01:30
Your skin is the largest organ on your body. It’s your body’s first line of defense against disease and it protects all your other organs. That’s why having a dermatologist in your life is important. And dermatologists don’t just check our skins – they can perform skin surgery and identify and treat over 3000 conditions that affect our skin, hair, and nails. There’s a lot more to dermatologists than you think… [More]

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An NFL Coach Defends Against Skin Cancer

by kelly / September, 8 2021 01:30
The NFL season is upon us once again. It’s also my husband and co-founder’s favorite time of year. With the NFL season comes a lot of time out in the sun for players and coaches. Just like us, they need to be mindful of sun damage. In fact, one big time coach learned the hard way about the importance of sun protection when one of his mentors passed from skin cancer. [More]

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Free Skin Cancer Screening Coming to A City Near You

by kelly / September, 1 2021 01:30
Very few things in life are free. And if it’s free I tend to be a little suspicious. Well that’s not the case with this awesome program organized by the Skin Cancer Foundation. From August through November the Skin Cancer Foundation will be traveling to 21 communities across the United States and offering free skin cancer screenings and education programs! [More]

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Thailand Bans Chemical Sunscreens

by kelly / August, 25 2021 01:30
If you’re planning a trip to Thailand you might want to reconsider the sunscreen you pack. Thailand recently banned sunscreens containing any combination of four chemical UV filters that are considered harmful to coral reefs. [More]

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Surprising Everyday Ways You Can Get Sun Damage

by kelly / August, 4 2021 01:30
Most people think they only need sunscreen if they’re heading out for a day at the beach or pool. Or they think sunscreen is just a summer thing and don’t wear sunscreen year round. Not many realize they’re getting sun damage all the time - walking from the parking lot to the grocery store in the winter for example. Unfortunately all these little sun exposure moments add up throughout our lives and ultimately damage skin. So what are some of these surprising moments and what should we do? Read on… [More]

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The Dangerous Sunscreen Contouring Trend

by kelly / July, 28 2021 01:30
I love a good food, life, or skin care hack. I’m into anything that makes life easier. But some hacks are not meant to be followed and can be just plain dangerous. That’s just the case with this skin care “hack” trending on TikTok called sunscreen contouring. Don’t do it because it’s bad for your skin and can lead to skin damage, sunburn and possibly skin cancer. [More]

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