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Why You Need Sunscreen When You Fly

by kelly / October, 26 2022 01:30
The holidays are around the corner and travel is about to pick up. So if you’re about to take off on a trip – don’t forget to pack a travel size sunscreen in your carry-on. Yes, you heard right. You need to wear sunscreen on the plane because exposure to UV radiation is high up in the air. [More]

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Signs of Sun Damage

by kelly / October, 12 2022 01:30
You may be surprised, I definitely was, that everyday marks on our face are not only signs of getting older, but also signs of sun damage. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation “the way your skin looks may have more to do with how much you’ve basked in the sun than how many birthday orbits around it you’ve made.” [More]

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Sunscreen As Personal Protective Equipment?

by kelly / September, 21 2022 01:30
Should sunscreen be considered personal protective equipment (PPE) – like gloves, masks, or goggles? Well there is a push by a group in Congress to add sunscreen to the list of critical PPE for outdoor workers. Wow, that would be something! [More]

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Viral Photo Reminds Us Why We Need to Apply Sunscreen Everywhere

by kelly / September, 7 2022 01:30
This viral photo recently made the rounds on the internet. The photo is a good reminder of why sunscreen is needed every day and across all our exposed skin. It shows the dramatic effects of applying sunscreen on one part of your body but not another for decades… [More]

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What Time of Day Can You Stop Wearing Sunscreen?

by kelly / August, 31 2022 01:30
Is there a point in time during the day when you don’t have to wear sunscreen? And can you just put it on in the morning and be done for the day? Fortunately the answers to these questions are simple! And once you know the answer your skin will thank you. [More]

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UK Soccer Teams Apologizes for Sunscreen Statement

by kelly / August, 24 2022 01:30
That’s a headline you don’t read very often. But somehow a UK soccer team made an error in judgement and sent out a tweet reply that caused a bit of a stir with the Melanoma UK foundation. [More]

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Dangerous Sun Protection Alternatives Trending Online

by kelly / August, 10 2022 01:30
The internet is a great source of information but it can also be a source of great disinformation. Today there is a dangerous trend popping up on TikTok and Instagram in regards to sun protection. There are hundreds of videos circulating online using oils, mud, and even sand instead of sunscreen. Unfortunately this spread of information can cause major harm. [More]

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How Long Should You Wait to Apply Makeup After Applying Sunscreen?

by kelly / July, 27 2022 01:30
Wait, are we supposed to wait before applying our makeup after applying sunscreen? The answer is yes. But don’t worry it’s not long and it’s definitely not something I knew until I ran a skin care company. Plus it’s quick and you’ll probably forget you’re even waiting. [More]

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Does Your Partner Influence Your Sunscreen Use?

by kelly / July, 13 2022 01:30
If your partner uses sunscreen are you more likely to use it? Afterall, there is the old saying that people start to look and act like each other over time. Well a new study published in the Journal of the Dermatology Nurses’ Association answers this question and a few others. [More]

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Who’s Adding More Sunscreen to Beaches?

by kelly / July, 6 2022 01:30
Here’s some good news coming out of the Ocean State - aka Rhode Island. RI has decided to add more touch-free sunscreen dispensers to its beaches and parks. Big ups to RI, the birth place of Block Island Organics. [More]

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