Free shipping on all orders over $50  |  Play smart. Play safe. Non-toxic suncare

Labor Day 2014 Sunscreen Sale - 20% Off Storewide

by Will / August, 27 2014 01:30
We're ending the summer with a 20% off sale over Labor Day! That's right, every product - our sunscreens and sunburn relief gel - is 20% off now through September 2nd, 2014. Plus you don't need a promo code, the prices are already reflected on the site. Just add them to your cart and checkout. Or better yet, you can stack a code - like sunburn50 to get an additional 50% off the sunburn relief gel - on top of this sale. Happy Labor Day!!! [More]

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Discovering Block Island - A Beach Paradise

by Will / August, 20 2014 01:30
17 miles of beaches, 17 miles on an island with a year round population just over 1,000 and a land area just under 10 square miles. That's a lot of beaches and one of the many things that makes Block Island so special. Plus you can find just about any kind of beach you like. Broad sandy beaches, rocky nooks and crannies, majestic bluffs, lonely stretches of sand or actives swaths with people, volleyball nets and plenty of waves. It's all there for you just 13 miles off the coast of Rhode Island and all free. [More]

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Summer Sunscreen Sale - 20% Off Storewide

by kelly / August, 12 2014 01:30
We are back with another great sale for the summer, save 20% storewide! You don't need a promo code, simply put the items in your cart as the sale price is already reflected on the site. [More]

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A Call to Action on Skin Cancer Prevention by the U.S. Surgeon General

by kelly / August, 6 2014 01:30
Here at Block Island Organics we are passionate about smart, fun and safe suncare. As part of that we want to spread the word on sun safety to as many people as possible. It's an important topic and recently even the acting U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Boris D. Lushniak, got behind the cause and released "The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Skin Cancer". The document is a comprehensive 112 pages (don't worry, at the bottom of this article we have links to a few summaries) and as the title says a call to action for increased awareness, policies and research for preventing skin cancer. [More]

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Lululemon Stirs Up Sunscreen Controversy

by kelly / July, 23 2014 01:30
Lululemon is not a company to shy away from provocative statements. Nevertheless, I was surprised when they made a pretty bold statement about sunscreen. On their shopping bags, one of their new manifestos reads "sunscreen absorbed into the skin might be worse for you than sunshine. get the right amount of sunshine". In addition to their bags, this statement is on their website manifesto page. [More]

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Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!

by Will / July, 16 2014 01:30
We just updated our free shipping offer to orders over $50. Best of all, no promo code is needed so you can get free shipping on all retail orders over $50 while taking advantage of other sales. Check out our sunscreens and Sunburn Relief Gel to try out the offer. [More]

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Sale Extended - 50% Off Sunburn Relief Gel With any Sunscreen Purchase

by Will / July, 15 2014 01:30
With the sale doing really well we decided to extended it indefinitely! Now get 50% off our Sunburn Relief Gel with any sunscreen purchase while supplies last. Just use the code SUNBURN50 at checkout to receive the discount. Note that it's not combinable with other codes and we reserve the right to cancel the offer at any time but at 50% off that's still quite the savings. [More]

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My Daily Sunscreen Beauty Routine

by kelly / July, 9 2014 01:30
Hope you all had a fun 4th of July filled with picnics, barbeques, beach time and sunscreen! I spent my fourth on the beach with a group of friends. Surprisingly I had a fair number of my girlfriend ask how I use and apply my sunscreen everyday and how I use sunscreen with my make-up. So this week I thought I’d share my routine with you. [More]

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4th of July Sale - 20% Off Storewide!

by Will / July, 1 2014 01:30
We have one heck of a deal for you! In honor of the 4th of July, save 20% on everything we sell! No need to enter a promo code, just add the items to your cart as the sale price is already reflected on the site. Note that the sale runs through July 7th, 2014 so if you're looking for some great sunscreen / sunblock or sunburn relief gel, now's the time to buy. Plus you can use our 50% off sunburn relief gel on top of this offer. Just use the promo code sunburn50 at checkout. [More]

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50% Off Sunburn Relief Gel With any Sunscreen Purchase

by Will / June, 26 2014 01:30
We just updated our sale on our Sunburn Relief Gel! Now buy any of our sunscreens and get 50% off our Sunburn Relief Gel by using the promo code sunburn50 at checkout. Once you add the items and promo code to your cart, you'll see the discount. We've also extended the offer until July 15th, 2014 for more savings! The fine print says it is not combinable with other codes. That said, it's a great deal. [More]

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