by kelly
/ January, 26 2022 01:30
Did you know that your makeup brushes could be a cesspool of bacteria? Yes, I know it sounds dramatic but it could be happening to your brushes if you’re not cleaning them regularly or properly. If left dirty they become a breeding ground for bacteria which can lead to major skin problems.
by kelly
/ October, 11 2017 01:30
The 10-step Korean skin care process seems to be all the rage – but really, who has time for that? We all lead busy lives. So what are the essentials to keep your skin glowing while doing the least amount possible? All it really takes is three steps practiced year-round...
by kelly
/ October, 4 2017 01:30
The immediate answer to this age-old question - makeup with SPF is not enough to protect you. So why the confusion? Well, summer is over and you might be thinking that you can remove sunscreen from your skin care routine but dermatologists urge you to rethink this decision.
by kelly
/ September, 6 2017 01:30
It’s back to school time, almost fall and a perfect time to revisit your skin care routine. There is so much information out there today on skin care it’s hard to know what’s good vs. bad and what works for your particular skin. However, there is some advice that is universally wrong. Here are three important skin care myths I often see.
by kelly
/ October, 12 2016 01:30
This week we are getting to the bottom of the age-old debate: “Is makeup with SPF enough?” with a quick and easy guide for all your questions around this subject. Now you’ll always know the truth.
by kelly
/ July, 9 2014 01:30
Hope you all had a fun 4th of July filled with picnics, barbeques, beach time and sunscreen! I spent my fourth on the beach with a group of friends. Surprisingly I had a fair number of my girlfriend ask how I use and apply my sunscreen everyday and how I use sunscreen with my make-up. So this week I thought I’d share my routine with you.
by kelly
/ February, 5 2014 01:30
Ok let me give you the answer right off the bat. Experts agree makeup with SPF is not enough to protect your skin. I made this mistake for so long, up until I started working on Block Island Organics actually. I used to believe my SPF 15 cream foundation was enough everyday protection against the sun.